Attendance and absence information is critical in ensuring all students are accounted for as student safety and wellbeing is a high priority. Teachers mark their Roll online every morning after the 8.45am bell. Student attendance data is then monitored and collated by the Front Office staff.
This attendance data is regularly monitored for patterns of truancy and lateness. Punctuality and attendance are vitally important as these are recorded in your students’ reports.
Parents/Caregivers are required to notify the school when your child/children are going to be late or absent from school. We require a brief explanation, for the absence or lateness e.g. sickness, family reasons, appointment etc. Notification can be done by calling the school on 8261 3733 or via email to your child/children teacher/s and to the school at
Late Arrival (after 8:45am)
Where a child is late for school (after the 8.45am siren) it is a requirement that they report to the Front Office to sign in electronically via the Kiosk. Younger children may require a parent/caregiver to assist them.
Away - Unexplained
Students who are absent/late without the school being notified will be marked as Away – Unexplained (AU). Parents/caregivers of these AU students will receive an automated email notification of their child/children absence at 10am each school day.
Once you receive this automated message please contact the school to notify of your child/children absence/lateness. This can be done by calling the school on 8261 3733 or via email at
Early Departure during lesson times
Parents/Caregivers are requested to report to the front office and sign out their child/children via the Kiosk. Front Office Staff will call the child/children's classroom/s and get them to come to the front office to the parent/caregiver who is collecting the child/children. No parents/caregivers are to go to the classroom to collect students.
Early Departure during Recess & Lunch
If you need to collect your child from school during recess (10:45am - 11:15am) or lunch (1:25pm - 1:55pm), this will only be possible by prior arrangement. Please notify your child's teacher &/or the Front Office in advance if you will be needing to collect your child during break times. The teacher can then arrange for your child and their belongings to be at the Front Office for you to sign them out.
If you arrive at school to collect your child during break times without prior arrangement, you will be required to wait in the Front Office until the end of the break time when your child returns to class to collect them.
Please follow the steps in the point above to sign your child/children out correctly.
Student Exemptions
If your child/children are going to be absent for more than 3 consecutive school days due to family travel or a holiday, an exemption form must be completed. Please contact the Front Office staff to complete an exemption form. All exemptions must be Principal approved.
Student Illness
If your child/children are absent for more than 3 consecutive school days in the event of illness, a Doctors certificate from a GP/Hospital will need to be provided to the school. This certificate will be added to the students’ attendance data.
SAPSASA District Sport/School Sport SA Representation
Please advise the school by calling on 8261 3733 or via email at if your child is attending SAPSASA District Sporting Programs or on School Sport SA Representative duties.