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Enrolment Enquiries

Vale Park Primary School is a zoned school. Please use the link below to enter your residential address to see whether you are within our zone.


For Reception students to be eligible to commence school in 2025, they must turn 5 years of age, prior to 1st May 2025.

If after utilising the above search tool your residential address is located within our zone or have a sibling of a child who is already attending Vale Park Primary School, please contact the school directly on 8261 3733.

To register your child for the 2025 school year please complete the registration of Interest Form below. This form is for new Reception students as well as students who will be in School Years 1 - 6.

2025 Registration of Interest Form

2025 Mid-Year Registration of Interest Intake Form

2024 Registration of Interest Form




We do accept out of zone applications, however, please note that we cannot guarantee your child a place at our school. 



 Please select the link below to register for a Principal School Tour.

Term 1 2024 - School Tour

Term 2 2024 - School Tour

Term 3 2024 - School Tour

Term 4 2024 - School Tour